List of Treatment Covered
List Of Dental treatment covered under Cashless Sevices
- Consultations
- Xray
- Cleaning /Scaling
- Dental Fillings
- Tooth Extraction
- Complex treatment services like surgical removal of impacted /8th molar Cysts,oral submucous fibrosis etc
- Root canal Treatment ( single & multiple sittings)
- Mouth Ulcers
- Gingivectomy & Pyorrohoea
- Preventive dental treatment
- Child dental treatment
- Splint
- Gums Surgery
- Dental Abscess & Drainage
- Biopsy
- Treatment of sensitivity
List of treatment not covered but eligible for 70% flat discount on Charges applicable.
- Dental Implants
- Smile Makeover
- Dentures
- Zirconia crowns
- PFM/Ceramic Crowns
- Dental bleaching
- Clips & Braces